
Giving is one of the opportunities we have to serve God by serving each other!  The United Methodist Church of St. Clair, like most churches, is funded entirely by the voluntary giving of it’s members, visitors, and those who wish to support it’s ministries.  Absolutely nobody is required to give to the church; though we do believe God calls us to support the ministries of the church including through financial stewardship and giving.

What it means to give to the United Methodist Church of St. Clair

The United Methodist Church of St. Clair is a 501(c)(3) tax deductible ministry opportunity for your family that includes worship and study; but also, mission and service.  Your giving to the United Methodist Church of St. Clair supports curriculum for adults, young adults and children which helps them to become who God has created them to be, it supports worship opportunities throughout the year for your community to come to know God in worship, it supports programs like Vacation Bible School which brings together children in our community to share with them the love of Jesus Christ.

In addition, your giving supports mission locally and abroad.  The United Methodist Church of St. Clair is a congregation that proudly pays 100% of our apportioned funds.  What this means is, we support the United Methodist Church globally, by giving back to our denomination.  When you give to your church, you are also giving to the denomination.  Through our apportionments, United Methodist Colleges, Universities and Seminaries are funded, worldwide mission projects like “Imagine No Malaria” are funded, scholarship programs for students all around the Missouri Conference are funded.  By giving to apportionments, we’re helping to start new churches, we’re training and educating Clergy and Laity who serve our many churches, and even helping cash-strapped churches continue their vital ministry.  The apportionments support hospitals and clinics both in the United States and abroad.  Our apportionments as United Methodists make a difference every day for Jesus Christ.

Rest assured, when you give to the United Methodist Church of St. Clair, you’re giving to your community and to the world; to share the love of Jesus Christ, the message of hope and salvation, and to answer God’s call to feed the sick, care for the poor and needy, and share love to those most vulnerable.

The United Methodist Church of St. Clair is accountable

In today’s society there are some understood fears regarding charitable giving.  Fears, primarily, that the funds won’t go to the work that is promised.  While we, like any organization, have to pay the electric bill, pay our staff, and fix a leaky roof now and then; we understand very genuine fears and concerns that your giving might go to organizations that are irresponsible or not actually serving those they claim to.  As a United Methodist Church, we are bound by the Book of Discipline to maintain open and accountable finances; and our leadership and finance team wholeheartedly support these rules.  If you have specific questions about where the money goes, we have specific answers.  The finances of the United Methodist Church of St. Clair are not private.  Feel free to speak with the Pastor about where your giving will go.  Earmarked giving, or giving to specific projects or opportunities, is acceptable.  Though we encourage you to consider giving to our General Fund, which helps us in all aspects of ministry.

How do I give?

In the 21st century giving is changing, and we hope to change with it.  While we work out what that means and invite new ways to give; we would encourage you, in the mean time, to contact our office administrator, Debby, at (636) 629-0350, or to discuss giving opportunities.  In addition to giving during the offering during regular Sunday worship; many of our members and regular givers use their banks “Online Bill Pay” features for regular giving, or mail their tithe or offering.  These are absolutely acceptable methods of giving to the ministries of the United Methodist Church of St. Clair.

What about tithing?

The tithe, which throughout Christian history and Judaism before it, has been understood to mean a percentage of regular giving, often 10%.  In modern context; these often means a percentage giving (often 10%) of ones cash income.  This is an extraordinary endeavor.  If you’re reading this page, chances are, you’re considering a one-time or first-time gift to the church.  Tithing is a practice usually participated in by faithful members of the church who, believing in the ministries of the church and feeling called by God to take significant ownership in the finances of their local church, give a percentage of their income to the church.  Pray about this opportunity and how God may be calling you to give.